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Preparing your IT for the unexpected: A guide to digital resilience


Imagine waking up to find millions of systems worldwide displaying the infamous blue screen of death (BSOD). This nightmare became a reality earlier this month on July 19, 2024, when a botched software update from the renowned security vendor CrowdStrike caused catastrophic service disruptions. This event, often compared to the feared Y2K bug, highlighted a critical lesson: even cyber security tools, designed to protect, can become the source of massive operational chaos.

Building a robust digital resilience strategy

The CrowdStrike incident is a stark reminder for IT leaders everywhere about the importance of digital resilience. Here are some key actions to ensure your company is better prepared to face similar challenges:

1. Diversify your service providers
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Relying on a single vendor for all your critical IT services can lead to a domino effect of failures if that vendor experiences an issue. By diversifying your service providers, you spread the risk. This approach ensures that if one system fails, others can continue to operate, maintaining business continuity.

2. Ensure adequate staffing and expertise
People are your first line of defence. Having enough skilled IT professionals on your team is crucial. These experts can quickly identify, manage, and mitigate issues before they escalate. Regular training and upskilling of your IT staff can make a significant difference in handling unforeseen disruptions.

3. Regularly test your systems
Proactive testing is key. Conduct regular stress tests and simulations of your IT infrastructure to identify potential weaknesses. This proactive approach helps in anticipating and addressing vulnerabilities before they can be exploited or cause disruptions.

4. Implement comprehensive monitoring tools
Visibility is crucial. Deploy comprehensive monitoring tools to keep a close eye on your IT systems. These tools can provide real-time alerts and analytics, enabling swift responses to any irregularities or potential threats.

5. Develop a robust incident response plan
Be prepared for the worst. Having a well-documented and rehearsed incident response plan can significantly reduce downtime and damage during an IT crisis. Ensure that all team members are familiar with their roles and responsibilities within this plan. Test the plan regularly including when key players might be away from the office. It is much better to find out any weaknesses during a quiet period than when you are using it in anger.

Start strengthening your IT resilience today

The CrowdStrike outage was a wake-up call for IT and security leaders globally. It underscored the importance of having a robust digital resilience strategy to protect against unexpected disruptions.

Here’s your action plan:
• Evaluate your current IT resilience strategy and identify any gaps
• Diversify your service providers to spread risk
• Invest in your IT team by providing ongoing training and resources
• Implement and test comprehensive monitoring tools to maintain visibility and control
• Develop and rehearse your incident response plan to ensure quick and efficient recovery from any IT disruption

Don’t wait for the next major outage to take action. Start building a resilient IT environment today and safeguard your business against the unexpected.

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